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21 de December de 2023


View of the second wooden bullring of Seville.  Anonymous, c.1733. Noteworthy is the effigy of…
21 de December de 2023


The Corporation began to build  series of stone annexes, attached to the wooden bullring, including…
21 de December de 2023


A fourth wooden bullring was erected, coinciding in its arrangement  with the previous one (which…
21 de December de 2023


A second stage was begun, introducing variations of the original plan. The original designs of…
21 de December de 2023


Third stage of the works, during which one ochava which had been left unfinished was completed, together…
21 de December de 2023


The final stage of construction in the XVIIIth century, during which two more ochavas were erected, with…
21 de December de 2023


Carlos III prohibited bullfights anywhere in the country. There began a period of 60 years…