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Retablo de la Capilla de San Cristóbal
Iglesia del convento de Santa Paula, Sevilla. Fotografía de Atín Aya, 2005.

The Real Maestranza de Caballería undertakes a great deal of sponsorship in connection with the different types of activity which, traditionally, are typical for this institution.

An example is its sponsorship of musical events such as the Lenten Cycle of Organ Concerts, which takes place each year in Seville Cathedral, or the Spring Festival, which is organized by Juventudes Musicales (a youth association for classical music). It also collaborates in the programming of the Teatro Maestranza of Seville.

Both cultural and academic activities also receive the support of the Real Corporación. An example is the Contemporary Art Conferences which are organized every year by the History of Art Department of the University of Seville.

Also connected with this patronage work is the help given for the maintenance and conservation of the heritage and of items of high artistic value, and collaboration in the restoration of various works of art such as the great organs and the choir of Seville Cathedral, the Main Altar of the Parish Church of Santa María Magdalena and the mural painting and chapel of Our Lady of Roca-Amador, of the Parish Church of San Lorenzo.

Reredos of the Chapel of San Cristóbal. Church of the Convent of Santa Paula, Seville.
Photograph by Atín Aya, 2005.